Quick Delivery Program Supports Critically Ill Patients

The reason for the existence of the pharmaceutical world is simple – People need medicine. How you get that medicine to the patient is the big question. While many different facets of medicine were brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic, possibly none were viewed as more important than the need for increased urgency when dealing with medicine that can save the life of a patient in need.
There are seemingly a million different steps that need to be navigated to get medicine from an idea to the people. Couple each of those steps with the biggest enemy of all, Father Time and it can be a daunting task.
AST® understands those timeframes and the formidable tasks our clients face. We know how to help you find ways to cut down on those large timeframes without cutting quality. We know how time can be the difference between winning a contract, and even getting life-saving medicine to a patient in time.
This was one of the main driving forces behind AST® creating a quick delivery program. Waiting for isolated fill finish systems can often take upwards of 24 months. While AST’s lead times have always been faster, the quick delivery program has isolated and configurable GENiSYS® R and GENiSYS® Lab benchtop machinery available for a 6-month delivery, cutting typical timeframes by 75%.
Get your equipment quickly to fill today’s need while simultaneously ensuring future needs are met with the flexibility that an AST machine can offer. Contact AST to get a flexible machine quickly so you can deliver critical medicines to patients.