Successful CPhI-PMEC India Premiere

This year’s CPhI-PMEC India show was a success by all measures. With the GENiSYS Lab Container Filling System and Vial Sealing System on display attendee’s were able to see the systems in operation and gain a better understanding of the key features and benefits of these solutions in helping them overcome some of the common industry challenges with small batch aseptic processing.
Tacoma, WA – This year’s CPhI-PMEC India show was a success by all measures. There was exceptional interest by attendees in AST’s GENiSYS Lab systems being showcased for small batch aseptic processing applications. The Container Filling System (CFS) and the Vial Sealing System (VSS) were both on display at the show demonstrating several of their advanced capabilities including integrated in-process weight checks with real time net-weight filling and electronic batch reporting (EBR). In addition to the GENiSYS Lab Systems, AST’s GENiSYS flexible small batch filling system was of great interest. AST representatives discussed several challenging applications where this product was an ideal fit.
The AST team and our India partner Biodigital India thank you for visiting our us to learn more about our aseptic equipment solutions and requesting additional information about how these systems can solve your challenging applications.
To learn more about AST’s GENiSYS Lab products and how they can hepl you overcome your small batch aseptic processing challenges click here.